for me, i'm travel from terengganu to kuala lumpur with no feeling at all.. hehehe.. the 8 hours journey make me tired.. i'm arrive at jc house at 6.30 am.. then we eat break-fist and waiting for B. b4 that, i'm helping her prepared the things take she want bring to the guest house.. after finish all d works.. we heading to tmn universiti to meet Muun becoz we will meet ewiks, zel and rose at perhentian sg buluh. then we went to guest house at bndar tasik selatan,sg.besi. and had lunch there.
@perhantian sg buluh
zel, ewiks, rose, jc and me went to klia to see super junior.. hehehehe.. but we were very dissapointed coz some people have hiding news that super junior went out from vip hall..
at KLIA with CARI's gang..
bengang face.. but still can controll it..
posing first..=)
night at the guest house, we practicing fanchant.. hehhe.. coz i'm very very tired.. i'm the fist person sleep, while they practicing gee..
its suju show day....
we went early to the stadium.. excited mood!!
posing with siwon banner.. nk banner teukie... waaaaaaaa

my seat at L13..
btol2 depan center

my seat at L13..
btol2 depan center
suju jjang

my angel teuk!!

see this pic make me cry..
after the concert, i lost all my voice and totally tired!!
but it is the BEST moment ever.
proud to be ELF!!
see this pic make me cry..
after the concert, i lost all my voice and totally tired!!
but it is the BEST moment ever.
proud to be ELF!!
p/s: taken from my LJ
uwaaa!!teringt time nih meroyan sesame.memang best r.taun nih ak x neutral sket.mayb sbb bz jd pale otak cm serabot sket pikir byk mende.ghahahaha!! bile r dpt meroyan tgk konsert sesame ngn ko lg.huhuhu
ReplyDeleteak tabah kan hati x tgk pic n fan vid.. takot kucewaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..
kalo ak dh keje, blh la g konsert.. skng x ckup duit lagi...
mek ma...
ReplyDeletess4 nnt wajib pegi ya..
ai nk hasut zel jugak suh pegi... hehhehe
ReplyDeletekalo ai dh keje.. kompem ai pg punye... rndu la jumpu u lagi