"If you smile at it, the world will be smiling with you, too. If you cry at it, then go ahead because you'll be the only one crying by yourself.."
-Adam Wilcox-

tic toc..

Monday 28 March 2011


oyeahhhh.. hari ni suara ROCK!! Ella pn kalah kalo nak tau.. kekeke..plus, batuk koh koh. sungguh x slesa beb. rase mcm nk cabut tekak nie, kasi cuci.. hehhehe.. smlm nk cabut kpale, hr nie giliran tekak plak.

ble batuk, satu jek ak risau kan, takut ASTMA!! kalo ikutkan, family ak.. rmai y ad astma ni, espc belah ayah.. tambah2 lagi akak ngn adik ak pn ad.. ak pn x tau astma ni rase cm ne.. sbb x pnh kene

lagi satu, family ak pn ad history HBP..both belah ayah n mak.. KENCING MANIS x der ek.. sbb ktorng x mnum manis.. walopn orng dok kate orng kelante n ganu kuat mnum manis, family ak terkecuali hokey.. ak pnh tgk mmber ak ltk gula dlm air susu ala.. susu tepung 2.. ak slamber jek minum tnpa gula.. kekke.. kadang2 ak minum teh tanpa gula..

say NO to SUGAR!!!!

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