"If you smile at it, the world will be smiling with you, too. If you cry at it, then go ahead because you'll be the only one crying by yourself.."
-Adam Wilcox-

tic toc..

Saturday, 26 March 2011


alhamdulillah.. taun nie, msuk 5 taun ak knal cik Masz aka cik Greenth nie.. mse 1st sem, ak knal sbb amek kelas skali.. pastu 2nd sem, jadila ak rumet dia dkt blok L4.. sebab mse 2, kami bdk2 aras 5 kne kosongkan aras 5, so ak pn trn la aras 4..bilik ktorng plg hujung.. dekat ngn utan plak 2.. malam2 ak salo takot nk g toilet.. kekekekk..

ble masuk 2n year.. kami kne pndah umah.. ehh blok.. sbb blok L4 plak kne kosongkan..pndah la kami ke blok L5515.. tingkat 5 tuh, kurus ak jap.. kekekek ak dok L5 smpai la final year bersame2 cik Masz dan 2 orng lagi junior.. cik Nada ngn cik Ain..

kalo ikutkan, ak plg ssh bgn pagi, so nk tau dah lambat ke blom.. ak tgk cik Masz dlu.. kalo dia dah bgn, mknenye dah blh la bangun.. ehem.. tp bkn ak jek.. 2 orng lagi hadek2 pn same gak...

cik Masz byk tulung ak dlu.. mklumlah, ak ni pemalas.. kekeke.. byk bg nasihat.. tringt mse ak btol2 down dlu, kalo ak blk lmbat,.. dia call ak.. tnye kt mne.. sob2 terharu beb..

ni plak pasal hadek no 1.. cik Nada namenye.. start jadi rumet mse 2nd year.. ohoooooo... rndu budak ni. kadang2.. name jek mude pd ak.. tp prangai matured..
cilok dr fb cik Ain....

hadek no 2 pulak name cik Ain, jadi rumet mse ak 3rd year... FYI, kolej 14 blog L5 kne 1 bilik 4 orng kongsi.. cik ain nie, baek bdk nye.. kadang2 ktorng ni sengal, dok chating padahal dok bilik y same.. kekekke..

gambo ngn cik Ain dah hilang.. sobab lappy corrupted dolu.. waaaaa gambo posing dpn cermin

rumet ku!! bogoshippo...


hey hey hey... drop ur comments here...


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