"If you smile at it, the world will be smiling with you, too. If you cry at it, then go ahead because you'll be the only one crying by yourself.."
-Adam Wilcox-

tic toc..

Monday, 15 October 2012


Assalamulaikum n salam sejahtera

just remembered quote from desperate housewife about mask... 

'a mask' - a face you wear when you don't want people to know how you're feeling

semua org ada topeng untuk dipakai utk sembunyikan ape y kte rasa.. kadang2 bnde nie bagus, kadang2 ad jugak x bagus.. ad baik n buruk tersendiri...

ak pn ad topeng jgk. ak x nak bg org tau ape y aku rasa.. nnt x pasal2 org cop aku minah sewel... hahaha. aku nak bercerita ape y aku rase pn takot org x phm,coz only the right person will understand other's feeling.

orang dok tnye jek, " ma, x minta keje ke?, x de org pnggil interview ke? n bla2.." ak diam  n senyum.. pstu jawab.. " x der rzeki lg, kalo ad... x kan la den ak kt umh".. ad ke ptt tnye soklan mcm 2.. napa nk tnye, kalo dh tau jawapn. walopn annoying ngn repeating question, aku terpkse buat muka y mnunjukkan ak x der ape2.. 

kalo ad sape2 y bce previous entry, msti tau kan ak emo n tersepit tengah2... smpai skng ak dok tersepit.. ble nth nk kluar dr sepit neh..

susah sbenarnye nk pkai buang 'mask' neh... penat!!! penat nk pura2 senyum n gembira depan org...

p/s: lawa mask neh, kalo ad spe2 jmpe. belikan utk saya yea..
nk add, sila msg.. *mcm la ad org nk beli..
pic: google

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