"If you smile at it, the world will be smiling with you, too. If you cry at it, then go ahead because you'll be the only one crying by yourself.."
-Adam Wilcox-

tic toc..

Thursday, 7 July 2011

dalam hati ada taman... kim won joon

ak x tau mcm mne nak ckp... betapa happy nye bile artis y ak suke reply ak pnye tweet smlm.. x pasal2 ak x leh tdo.. senyum smpai telinga.. seriusly.. ak mmg x sangka KIM WON JOON oppa nk reply ak pnye tweet..

spe2 layan wgm Brave Couple msti tau sape dia nie... JALBA.. (nme manja y SoHyun unnie bg kt dia).. ak suke couple neh.. kalo boleh, nk jek deorng kawen sobab sweeeeeeetttttt ;)

*bace dr bawah ke ats...


  1. congrats unnie xD
    now sleep tight! 8D

  2. hehhehehe....

    thanx aki.. skng pn, still senyum smpai telinga..


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