"If you smile at it, the world will be smiling with you, too. If you cry at it, then go ahead because you'll be the only one crying by yourself.."
-Adam Wilcox-

tic toc..

Friday, 8 April 2011

successful story of a bright girl

sape penah tgk drama nie? for me, this is d 1st Korean Drama that i watch.. ak x layan winter sonata. kalo layan pn, gitu2 jek sbb teman macik tengok.. kekekek..

dolu2 x kenal si janghyuk neh.. ble dah ader internet, baru la ak tau.. mamat nie janghyuk.. kekek.. x sangke kan. lain sungguh.. maybe sebab rambut kot.. yeah.. crite ni ak akan download balik..

sape2 nak download link.. meh ak kasik.. uploader dah bg permission

credit: Drama Island Blog

selamat mendonlod


  1. wahh tgk balik cite ni? hehe. aku follow gak cite ni. dan aku rasa jang na ra masa tu busuk betul! haha sbb dia kan selebet jek. =p

  2. kekek.. leyya..
    mmg suke kan tgk cite neh..

    ak ingt nk donlod blk. sbb fail pn x besar.. okey la..


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