"If you smile at it, the world will be smiling with you, too. If you cry at it, then go ahead because you'll be the only one crying by yourself.."
-Adam Wilcox-

tic toc..

Monday, 24 September 2012

cerita raya 2012

Assalamualaikum n salam sejahtera...

errrmmmm.. hari tu ad ak bgtau nk smbung crita tima raya kan... meh la ak smbung.. smentara nk tnggu g mandi.. hehheeh...

2nd day of hari raya biasanya my family buat makan... tahun ni pn sama.. tp biasa2 jela, sbb ayh x terbangun.. terbaring jek atas katil...

menu utama:
soto ayam
sate daging n ayam
ketupat palas
tapai daun getah....
cake choc.........


choc cake by si adik                                                  yummeh

 ini ketupat palas

                       ini dia si boboiboy!!!                                            tok with syikin n nina

                                   with mak budak

 beloved bestie...
knowing her almost 15 years n being bestie for 10 years...

  abg bai... *mizah jgn jeles ek                                  izad n as                                     

      pengunjung tetap umh stiap kali raya... eh, taun nie ad org br la.. kekkeke

dah 3 kali raya, aktiviti wajib adalah beraya umh amy...
hehhehe.. taun neh tmbah abg bai n izad..

doc n me

3 dara sumillll

i'm not pendek.. dia y abnormal tinggi.. kekkeke
dia y sy kenal dr tadika...

 malam nye...

 abg pei buat open house... hehhehhe... so, melahap lg la mlm raya...


cukup la kan... hehheheehh. this raya i became more comel... hahhaaah..

p/s: sowi la yea, walopn dah basi.. kekekekke

Thursday, 20 September 2012

oh si pemberi hutang...

Assalamualaikum n salam sejahtera...

cliche x tajuk post? hahhaha.. pemberi hutang? ak rse most of the student akan jmpe pemberi hutang neh.. kec la kalo korang neh dpt scholarship jpa/mara or other institution.. see, korang mesti tau pnye.. ptptn la, ape lg.. hehhehe

td ak tlh menjalankan tugas sbgai penerima hutang, iaitu membayar hutang.. sadis tgk statement weh... dok byr flower jek.. hutang x turun pn.. nk byr lobih, tidak mampu.. ak pn mano ad koje, b4 ayah sakit dlu.. ak jd la bibik x bertauliah kojap.. dpt la jgk duit nye..

sungguh x suka ble berhutang neh.. ad 1 perasaan x slesa.. waaaaaaa... mlm tdo pn lena.. *tipu ah.. kadang2 jek x lena.. dok terpikir jek.. blh x nk buat pnjaman ngn omma x pun appa.. x yah ad bunga2 cinta neh... kekeke

td mse print statement.. terbuntang mata tgk kos perkhidmtan ad la beratus.. seb bek la ak byr sket2.. kbetolan mse 2 ak dok ngadu kt ayh long, long ngn tok psl ptptn neh la.. tok balas mcm neh... "nak suh orng byr hutang, bg la keje.. ni x".. adui la tok neh.. memahami btol.. keekkek

semoga ak istiqamah dlm membayar hutang walopn just bayar bunga2 cinta... aamiin..

surat cinta

p/s: sadis btol.. tgk syok2 mnaip, tangan terlibas air kt tepi lapp neh... habis tumpah atas riba.. adui, dah la ayaq panas... waaaaaaaaaaa...

p/s/s: cari penaja y blh byr ptptn blh x? ekkekekke*sah sewel

p/s/s/s: blogger dah tukar ek? sngguh x reti ak nk mnaip...

Friday, 14 September 2012

Allah knows BEST!!!

Assalamulaikum n salam sejahtera

diantara keluarga dan impian....

mental breakdown.... tersepit kt tengah2 tue... berbelah bagi weh.. sengal kan ak neh.. tambah2 lg ak tgh ABC, 2 y lg sengal dan emo smacam jek..

disebabkan x nak bg emo2.. ak dok la cari kata2 hikmat.. mne tau lekat kt otak n kurangkan sket emo neh... surf pnye surf... ak bum into this blog.. islamic poem rasenya...  kt sini ak nk share poem 2... sdikit sbanyak lekat la kt kpala neh....

Allah knows what’s best for us
So why should we complain
We always want the sunshine
But He knows there must be rain

We always want the laughter
And the merriment of cheer
But our hearts will lose their tenderness
If we never shed a tear.

Allah tests us often
With suffering and with sorrow
He tests us not to punish us
But to help us meet tomorrow

For growing trees are strengthened
If they withstand the storm
And the sharp cut of the chisel
Gave the marble grace and form

Allah tests us often
And for every pain He gives to us
Provided we’re patient
Is followed by rich again

So whenever we feel that everything is going wrong
It is just Allah’s way
To make our spirit’s strong
by- anonyous.. 

this poem really inspires me.. thankyou :)

x pe la.. ad rzeki ad la... Allah know the best for me.. everythings happen for a reason.. ble pk2 balik.. kalo ak ad rzeki, x kira la keje or jodoh.. tenang ke hati nie.. takot nnt buat keje x ikhlas.. x elok jugak kan...

so AIMA FARHANI.. just follow the flows..


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