"If you smile at it, the world will be smiling with you, too. If you cry at it, then go ahead because you'll be the only one crying by yourself.."
-Adam Wilcox-

tic toc..

Thursday, 28 June 2012

cik Aima as a cikgu...

Assalamualaikum n salam sejahtera..

hr nie, ehh jap dah pkol 2pg.. msuk hr lain dah..petang td 2nd time ak bergelar pendidik... ekkeekek.. ak jd ckg ganti kt sek puan emak, SMKA Wataniah.. 1st kelas mse cuti skolah hr 2.. *gnti time kelas tmbahan jek..

1st time masuk kelas, cuak gak sposen.. dlm hati neh, dugun dugun jek.. mcm2 rse.. tp syukur alhamdulillah.. kelas berjalan dgn lancar.. students pn ok...

td, parking jek kreta trus student pnggil "cikgu"... terkejut den, seb bek x dok sakit jantung.. hahaha.. hr nie, ramai sket student sbb combine 3 kelas.. hr tu, 2 kelas jek... hr nie pn, syukur alhamdulillah... kelas berjalan dengan lancar... ak ajar bab tanaman hiasan..*mmg terer la, 4 taun ak dok blajo psl pokok.. alhamdulillah jgk la sbb otak still x berkarat.. kekkek...

maybe ak ad 2 kelas lg y nk kne attend..

aima!!! hwaiting

sbb lps neh kne ajar psl perdagangan..*mampus den..kekkek

rajin kan my students buat kerja... kekkeke

scenery dpn bilik ert... 

siap2 nak g kelas.

ckg gedik...hahhahah

Sunday, 24 June 2012

new baby

Assalamualaikum n salam sejahtera...

amacam... hensem x new baby ak. hp bijak... ekkekek.. berjimat cermat amalan mulia.. akhirnya, dpt jgk tuka hp br.. last beli hp taun 2006.. lama tueee... 

oyen neh x smpai 1k pn.. android murah jek.. *ble la org nk blanje ak beli hp lg cnggih neh...


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